Francesco Falbo, Paolo Urciuoli
University of Rome "La Sapienza",
Paolo Urciuoli, born in Turin on July 28, 1959, received his classical studies in 1978 with honors in the same year he enrolled in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Rome "La Sapienza", where he graduated 25 July 1984 with 110/110 cum laude. In November 1984 he passed the state examination for the qualification to the profession of Surgeon Doctor at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" with subsequent registration in the of the Medical Association of Rome and Province (No. 36022). In 1989 he specialized in general surgery with 70/70 and honors. In 2000 he specialized in vascular surgery with 70/70 and honors over the years 1990/1991 she completed an internship at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, USA in surgery general and colo-proctology. Since January 2, 1990 is a Researcher at the Institute of Surgical Clinic III (currently Department of Surgical Sciences). Since 2003/2004 got the teaching position in surgical oncology Internal Medicine and General Surgery I, V year, the Bachelor of Medicine B, The Faculty, University "La Sapienza"
Abstract : Surgical therapy: a review and technological innovations