Pawan Mathur
Colorectal & Laparoscopic Surgeon
Royal Free London NHS Fundation Trust
United Kingdom
Mr Pawan Mathur MS FRCS [Gen Surg] is a General, Colorectal & Laparoscopic Surgeon at The Royal Free London NHS Foundation Hospitals. His specialist interest is in Colorectal Conditions such as haemorrhoids (piles) anal fissures, anal fistulae, ulcerative colitis/ Crohns Disease, Pelvic Floor conditions and Colorectal Cancer. Mr Mathur qualified from St Thomas’ Hospital Medical School in 1990. He undertook a postgraduate research degree at the Royal Marsden and Chelsea & Westminster Hospitals and was awarded a MS thesis for his work examining the role of manipulating tumour blood supply on chemotherapeutic drug uptake in Colorectal Liver Metastases. He maintains an active interest in surgical research and continues to publish in peer-reviewed journals. In this regard he is Clinical Research Lead for Surgery in the Trust. He is currently the Principal Investigator on a variety of randomized surgical clinical trials. He also holds an Honarary Senior Lectureship at UCL Medical School, which allows him to pursue his main research interest in colorectal cancer.
Research Interest
Colorectal & Laparoscopic Surgery