K Sendhil Kumar
Gateway Clinic, India
Title: Thoracolaproscopic esophagectomy: Our early experience and outcome
Biography: K Sendhil Kumar
Advances in technology have allowed us to explore the possibility of performing Esophagectomy using minimal invasive surgical technique. Minimal invasive esophageal surgery has the potential to improve morbidity, mortality, hospital stay and functional outcomes when compared with open method. Although technically complex, combined laparoscopic and thoracoscopic esophageal resection is feasible. A case series of 50 cases who underwent total thoracolaproscopic esopahgectomy were presented. The purpose was to evaluate early results with thoracolaproscopic esopahgectomy for malignant disease. Then the age, gender, indication for surgery, blood loss, hospital length of stay, post operative complication, mortality was recorded. It can be concluded that Thoracolaproscopic esopahgectomy is complex and technically difficult, but it’s safe in experience hand. Despite long time, patient do well and benefit from a shorter stay and more rapid recovery compared with open esopahgectomy. Its role as a curative cancer procedure is still unknown. Here we present the video of total thoracolaproscopic esopahgectomy.