Biography: Rahul Mahadar
Gastro- esophageal reflux disease being very common condition in day to day practice of Gastroenterology, one should know when the Surgical Intervention is necessary and what type of surgery is required for the particular patient. In deciding this, Esophageal Manometry, pH metry and impedence pHmetry plays an important role as many motility disorders are associated with GERD. Surgery is indicated in GERD with Chronic strictures, Barrett’s esophagus, Volume reflux, Large Anatomical defects i.e., with Hiatal Hernia and in young patients with long term medical tratment. After excluding motility disorders, patients are operated Laparoscopically either Nisson’s 360 degree floopy wrap or Partial 270 degree posterior wrap and choice of operation decided according to result of Esophageal manometry tests.