Pawan Mathur
Royal Free London NHS Fundation Trust, UK
Title: State of the art in Minimally Invasive Colorectal Surgery [MICS]
Biography: Pawan Mathur
The author will aim to demonstrate the role of MICS in the modern day management of colrectal cancer (CRC). There will be a discussion regarding the central role of multi disciplinary meetings (MDTs) in the manageemnt of CRC, the reasons why they exist, who is involved and evidence of their efficacy and outcomes. The increasing role of laparoscopic colorectal surgery will be discussed in terms of CRC management. Up to date RCT evidence will be presented of both colon and rectal cancer surgery. The alternate routes of minimally invasive access will be presented (single incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS), natural orifice extraction surgery (NOSES) and hybrid laparoscopic-endoscopic techniques). Evidences, where it exists, will be discussed. The role of robotic colorectal surgery will be discussed and randomised evidence in rectal cancer surgery will be (ROLLAR) prsesented. Results of a prospective study of patiet preference in terms of surgical access routes will be presented. The management of early rectal cancer will be discussed with trans-anal endocscopic microsurgery (TEMS) and trans anal microscopic invasive surgery (TaMIS) techniques. The role of endoscopic mucosal/ serosal resection (EMR/ ESR) will also be discussed in the management of early CRC. The future of MICS is discussed with a projection that this may look like going into 2017/2018.