Eslam Ahmed Habba
Tanta Faculty of Medicine, Egypt
Title: Seronegative autoimmune hepatitis in children: A report of a rare case in Egyptian community
Biography: Eslam Ahmed Habba
Background: Autoimmune hepatitis is seen in all the ages and races. The general principles of diagnosis and management of AIH presenting in childhood are similar to those presented in adult patients with some caveats. More than 50% of children will have evidence of cirrhosis and the milder forms are not usually seen, this justifies initiation of early treatment following diagnosis.
Case: A 4 year old boy was presented with jaundice and abdominal enlargement especially on the right hypochondrium. On physical examination it was found that there was a hepatomegaly about 10 cm below right costal margin and jaundice. CBC, liver function tests, serum markers for HAV, HBV, HCV, AIH, hemochromatosis, Wilson disease and primary biliary cirrhosis were not conclusive except positive HAV IgM lasting for more than a year and rising ALT & AST up to 1113 IU/ml. Biopsy was done which revealed a picture of severe autoimmune hepatitis with incipient cirrhosis. Immunosuppressive therapy was started with marvelous treatment response and resolution of the severe hepatitis.
Conclusion: AIH is a rare liver disease that can be presented aggressively in children. Early treatment can control the hyper immune state and save the liver.