Anjana Vasudevan
Sri Ramachandra University, India
Title: Laproscopic resection of a solitory pedunculated hepatic hemangioma
Biography: Anjana Vasudevan
Hemangioma is the most common benign liver tumor, and affects 3% to 20% of the general population. These benign tumours can occur in people of all ages, but are more commonly found in young adult females. Hemangioma is usually asymptomatic and diagnosed incidentally. For most patients, the natural history of cavernous hemangiomas in the liver remains uneventful and surgical intervention can be avoided. Here we present a 60 year old post menopausal female who was admitted with complaints of pain in the right hypochondrium for the past one year. USG abdomen was done which showed a mass below the liver. CECT abdomen was also done which revealed a solitary, pedunculated liver haemangioma which was 6 cms in the largest diameter, arising from the 6th lobe of the liver and blood supply from the right hepatic artery. In view of the patients symptoms, she was taken up for laparoscopic resection of haemangioma and patients subsequent follow ups were uneventful.