Irfan Ahmed Nadeem
Al Noor Surgery, Pakistan
Title: How to achieve an immediate recovery to routine life from Operation Theater?
Biography: Irfan Ahmed Nadeem
This concept is absolutely new but is practicable and time tested. These techniques are different and may lead to many queries. These can be addressed through explanations and detailed discussions to eliminate the confusion so that the uprising surgeons can well appreciate them and bring them into their practice. This concept has to be addressed at many sites, among many are: 1) Maximum accuracy of operation under direct vision without any doubt. (Camera vision is not a direct vision); 2) Performing procedures under loco regional anesthesia and SSS (Short Sound Sleep) instead of general anesthesia; 3) The operation must be free from nausea, vomiting and pain without postoperative discomfort as well; 4) Understanding these concepts and practicing them will lead to patient’s comfort, saving time, opportunity cost, stress on hospital resources and reshaping health budget; and 5) This is the need of today’s busy committed life, especially of developed countries, and resource constraint countries as well.