A Aslanyan
Scunthorpe General Hospital, UK
Title: Case report: Splenic haematoma after acute pancreatitis
Biography: A Aslanyan
This is a case report of about a 40 year old patient, who was admitted with epigastric pain and vomiting. Two weeks before, the patient was admitted with acute pancreatitis. Unexpected CT finding was the presence of a huge left subscapular splenic haematoma and no evidence of acute pancreatitis. The earlier CT with IV contrast, which was performed when the patient was diagnosed with acute pancreatitis 2 weeks ago, showed the features of acute pancreatitis. Spleen was within normal limits. These findings had resolved on the current CT. This case report aims to remind everyone that splenic complications should be ruled out in any patient with acute abdominal pain who were known to have acute pancreatitis in the recent past.